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Passionate About God


A.      Absent from the 1st century church are exciting church programs that appeal to the masses today.

1.      No youth programs

2.      No celebrities or bands

3.      No special effect shows

Sound Boring?

B.     So, what do visitors from the community see when coming here to worship our Lord?

1.      Simplicities of the 1st century.

2.      Beyond that, what?

3.      Is there anything appealing to the true seeker?

In other words, do others see in us a genuine passion for our God when we worship and serve Him in our daily lives?


I.         Passionate in Song

A.      What do we sound like?

1.      Disinterested or filled with the Spirit? Eph. 5:18-19; Jas. 5:13

2.      NOTE TO SONG LEADERS: Lead, lead, lead:

a.      Set the proper tempo

b.      Lead with passion!

II.       Passionate in Prayer

A.      Having passionate prayers:

1.      Reflect the joy of going to God in prayer. 1 Co. 14:15

2.      Pour your heart out when in need.

3.      Rend your heart when confronting sin and God’s graciousness to forgive us. Joel. 2:13; Lk. 18:13

III.      Passionate in The Word

A.      A Passion for God’s word:

1.      Regard it as the sweetest form of nourishment that satisfies your soul. Psa. 19:7-10

2.      Passionately feed on it. 1 Pet. 2:2

3.      Passionately search it like the Bereans. Acts 17:11

IV.    Passionate in Serving

A.      A Passion for simple/pure ministry (service).

1.      A passion to reach the gospel to our neighbors. Matt. 9:35-38

2.      A passion to edify fellow our brothers and sisters in Christ.


A.      God gave us emotions to express our love, appreciation, thanksgiving, sorrow.

B.      We use it with one another each day, use it with our God.


Glory to God in the church by Christ Jesus
Franklin Church of Christ