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Redirected by God
Theme: Transformed by the Power of the Gospel


      Ever heard of someone (possibly yourself) that made a statement like: “I was born _____”: grumpy, hyper, too logical/practical/ etc.

A.      Did you know that your natural tendencies are all gifts from God?

1.      Before you live for Christ you use your gifts for your own purposes and glory.

2.      What if you were redirected… “created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Eph. 2:10

B.     This is what conversion is all about:

1.      God wants each person to delight Him; to give Him glory and honor.

2.      To be changed from a selfish and fleshly man, to one transformed into the likeness of His Son.


I.         The Natural Man …

A.      Each person has God-given gifts.

1.      This is true both of the unconverted and the converted.

2.      The difference lies in the direction of the person before and after conversion.

3.      The unconverted use God’s talents for their personal gain.

B.     But he will die in his sins.

1.      Because his life is for self. Lk. 12:16-21

2.      His life is completely against God’s will: loving Him and one’s neighbor (a selfless life). Matt. 16:24-25

II.       Redirected Into a Man of God

A.      He puts away the man of the flesh.

1.      Redirected, he now uses those gifts to the glory of God. Rom. 12:1-2

2.      His stubbornness turns into steadfastness in/for Christ.

3.      His zealous ignorance is turned into purposeful zeal for the Lord.

4.      His passionate hatred into passionate love. Cp. 1 Tim. 1:12-16

B.     Are you willing to be redirected?

1.      This is the process of putting off the old man and putting on Christ.

2.      This is what being converted to Jesus Christ is all about.


A.      Souls lost need to be redirected to Jesus.

B.      Straying Christians also need redirecting that they may continue in the blessings of Christ.


Glory to God in the church by Christ Jesus
Franklin Church of Christ