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Rebuilding the Wall
Theme: Courage in the Midst of Trials


A.      There are times of trials and adversity, that challenge the fellowship among saints.

1.      There are breaches in our wall of fellowship with God and one another.

2.      These breaches are a reproach upon God’s people and need to be fixed.

B.     The question is, how?


A.      Ch. 1 – Nehemiah hears bad news about Jerusalem/city walls; fasts/prays for nation’s sins.

B.     Ch. 2 – Goes to Jerusalem; surveys the wall.

C.     Ch. 3 – Repairs to the wall starts.

D.     Ch. 4 – Discouragement from those outside.

E.     Ch. 5 – Discouragement from brethren.

F.      Ch. 6 – Still, the wall was completed in 52 days!


A.      Today, there are many breaches that have gone unrepaired in the city of God.

B.     It is time for Christians to have their sword (Eph. 6:12ff) in one hand and brick and morter (Eph. 4:11ff) in the other.

C.     Like in Nehemiah’s day there are many outside forces wanting to destroy Christianity. Eph. 6:12

D.     There are many within the Lord’s church that also hinder the building up of the body of Christ. 2 Tim. 2:16-18


A.      Attend to our own business.

1.      Gossip, busy bodies, or “troublesome meddlers” are time wasters and destructive to the work of the Lord.

2.      Many get side tracked because of this evil.

3.      Instead take care to repair what is lacking in our lives within the household of faith…first and foremost. Matt. 7:5

B.     Fitted And Held Together By What Every Joint Supplies. Eph. 4:16

1.      Brethren, it cannot be overestimated what happens when a community of believers each do their part…all things are possible.

2.      Today, churches truly grow when everyone is working…together (not being busy bodies).


A.      Without realizing it breaches in the walls of fellowship have brought about great discouragement among brethren today.

B.      We need courage and boldness to get back at the basics to bring about genuine fellowship among believers once again.


Glory to God in the church by Christ Jesus
Franklin Church of Christ