“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most
unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; a
petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive,
bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist,
infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal,
sado-masochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
Thus says Richard Dawkins in his 2006 best seller, The God
Delusion. And according to the preface to the paperback
edition, he uses this passage as the warm up and icebreaker for
new audiences and it always gets a good-natured laugh.
He later called God a “psychotic delinquent”
and “the monster of the Bible.”
He laid down a challenge saying, “Those of us schooled from
infancy in his ways can become desensitized to their horror.”
Is that true, are we simply desensitized to the horrors of
God? In Deuteronomy
7:1-2, God told the Israelites as they conquered the
Canaanites they were to devote them to complete destruction,
showing them no mercy. We see the complete destruction of three
cities with all their inhabitants in Canaan: Jericho (Joshua
6:24), Ai (Joshua
8:28), and Hazor (Joshua
11:11). We see all of Achan’s family killed in response
to his sin of holding back some of the devoted items at Jericho (Joshua
7:25-26). The angel of God killed 185,000 soldiers of the
Assyrians in one night (II
Kings 19:35). I could go on. There is no doubt that the
Old Testament is a very bloody book.
Some, having heard these stories all their lives, have not
given very much thought to it. Some view them as the embarrassing
secret we hope to keep hidden from seekers until they have greater
faith. Sadly, some have had their eyes opened to it by the likes
of Richard Dawkins and just don’t know what to do with this God
of the Old Testament. This is a very real issue. It is not one to
be dismissed. We must face it or else we may receive the same
rebuke as Job’s three friends in Job
42:7, “My anger burns against you…for you have not
spoken of me what is right…” It seems that God is more
interested in truth than shoddy, weak, and inaccurate defenses.
So, what do we do with the God of the Old Testament?
What we don’t do.
“Two Different Gods” Defense
Throughout the centuries, some have suggested the God of
the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are simply
different gods. Granted this is usually part of some Gnostic
mysticism and probably none of us would take this seriously.
Note John
1:1-3. This beginning of the New Testament story declares
that the God of the New Testament is the same God as that in the
Old. There are not two different gods in the two different
“That’s Not the Way God Is Now” Defense
Though few of us would even consider the two different gods
defense, many who claim to be Christian today fall prey to a
similar defense. “Sure, I see that from God in the Old
Testament, but that’s not the way He is now. Just read the New
Testament.” We don’t see two different gods, but we sometimes
act like between the old and new testaments God became a Christian
so we can forgive Him of His evil in the Old.
It is interesting to note that in some ways we are only
having this discussion because of the New Testament. The influence
of Jesus’ teaching and the New Testament doctrines of love and
peace are the reason the Western world thinks the way of peace is
more enlightened than the way of violence. Let’s face it, if not
for the teaching of the New Testament, we would still live in a
world of violence in which people wouldn’t think a thing about
the Old Testament’s violence.
However, we do have the New Testament and we have to
provide proper defense and claiming God changed isn’t one. Hebrews
13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today
and forever.” If we are going to believe the Bible, we can’t
believe in a recovered, transformed, or converted God. He is the
same in both covenants or it just isn’t true.
“Times Were Different Then” Defense
Some suggest the real problem is with us. We are
enlightened and know this violence is wrong. In the Bible days,
people were more brutal. All the nations and kings acted like
this. We can tell horrendous tales of Assyrian brutality,
Babylonian tortures, Roman cruelty. These stories bother us, but
they didn’t bother the people to whom they were written.
This might work if God were nothing more than a figment of
our imagination. This defense cannot work for a true and living
God. The real God is not a product of man’s culture. He will not
be a violent God to a violent culture, but a peaceful God to an
enlightened one. He will be what He is and teach the cultures to
respect Him as He is.
declares God’s ways are above ours. The violent ways of men are
not a good defense for God’s violence. His ways are above ours,
they do not coincide with ours. If the ways of our God simply
coincide with ours, He is just a construct of our own making.
“He’s God, He Can Do What He Wants” Defense (or The
Misunderstanding Job Defense)
Speaking on a practical level, There is some merit to this
defense. After all, if, as I believe, God is real, and, as I also
believe, He is the most powerful being in the universe who holds
our eternities in his hands, there is a sense in which our duty is
not really to make sense of Him, but simply to submit to Him.
God is what He is. Atheists seem to believe that if they
can prove God is unlikable, He must not be real. Please
understand; this discussion is not about whether or not God is
real. I don’t have to like God for Him to be real. God doesn’t
have to be pleasant to be real. This discussion is actually a
question about whether or not the Bible presents a consistent
picture of the unchanging God. If He was a malevolent God in the
Old Testament, but a merciful one in the New, we have a problem as
Bible believers. That is why we need to reconsider this defense.
The pagan gods were a fickle and ever-changing group. They did act
on the basis of “We’re gods; we get to do what we want.” The
Bible’s God does not act on that basis. Consider Hebrews
Some of us will make this defense on the basis of Job. At
first, it does seem God’s major defense against Job in Job
38-41 is, “I’m God, I get to do what I want.”
However, that is not exactly the point of God’s interview with
Job. The point is considering how amazing God is in comparison to
us, we ought to trust Him that He knows a bit more than we do
instead of acting as if He should explain His every decision to
While on a practical level, there might be something to
this defense. On a holiness level, it falls short. It would be the
height of hypocrisy for God to teach us to be peaceful, loving
people who do not murder if His modus operandi is to simply murder
anyone who got in His way. It doesn’t make sense that He would
tell us “You shall be holy for I am holy” (I
Peter 1:16; Leviticus 11:44) if He defines holiness with
peace and love, but He is violent and cruel as a rule.
God’s real defense: Six Keys to Understanding God’s
Action in the Old Testament
is the Judge
If I decided that you had broken the law, took you into a
class room with some of my friends, tried you, convicted you, and
then took you out back and hung you, what would that be? That
would be murder. I don’t have that right or authority. However,
if you were arrested, brought before a judge, tried according to
the courts of the land, and convicted, that would be different. Romans
13:1-4 demonstrates government wields the power of the
sword, they do not do so in vain, they are to do so for good.
There is a difference between vigilantes usurping the role of
judges and actually being the judge.
God created us and therefore has the right to judge us.
Richard Dawkins and his ilk do not like that, because they prefer
to believe no one is higher than them and they get to do whatever
they want. However, God has the right to judge them. God had the
right to judge folks in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and
today. When man tries to usurp the role of God, he is wicked and
evil. When God fulfills His role, He is doing His duty. This is
Paul’s argument in Romans
3:5-6. This is why God says, “Vengeance is mine, I will
repay,” while asking us to pursue the course of peace with
others (Romans
Please note Genesis
15:13-16. The destruction brought on the peoples of Canaan
was not ethnic cleansing. It was God’s judgment. In fact, God
forestalled the judgment because at the time of Abraham, the
people had not done anything worthy of such judgment. The demise
of Jericho, Ai, Hazor, and the rest of Canaan was judgment by the
Here is where the point of God’s defense to Job comes in.
If God, as I believe, really exists, and God, as I also believe,
is the most powerful being in the universe who created all things,
He is wiser than us. Perhaps we should trust Him. Psalm
98:7-9 provides us with comfort. God judges with equity
and righteousness. We can trust Him to judge rightly. That
doesn’t mean we’ll like His judgment. It just means His
judgment will be right.
is Just that Awful
The bigger problem here is not that God didn’t understand
how awful what He did in the Old Testament was. The real problem
is that we don’t understand how awful sin is. Ezekiel
18:20 says, “The soul who sins shall die.” Romans
6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death.” Consider that
the whole story of mankind begins with this very point (Genesis
2:17). In our finite wisdom, we say, “But isn’t that
harsh?” Especially since we understand the real judgment
wasn’t the physical death, but the spiritual death of eternal
damnation. Darwin himself viewed the punishment of sin as the
lynchpin for why he finally lost belief in the God of the Bible.
In his autobiography, he wrote: “I can indeed hardly see how
anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so the plain
language of the text seems to show that the men who do not
believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost all
of my friends, will be everlasting (sic) punished. And this is a
damnable doctrine.”
Whether we wish it to be true or not is of no consequence.
To be honest, I wish Darwin hadn’t travelled on the H.M.S.
Beagle to the Galapagos Islandsor
written his book “On the Origin of Species.” However,
my wishing doesn’t make any of those things less real.
This is the point of confession. In I
John 1:8-9, the word translated “confess” is “homologeo,”
literally meaning to say the same thing as. Confessing our sins is
not merely saying that we do sin. Confessing means saying what God
does about sin. The Old Testament demonstrates the awfulness of
sin. We need to see sin in the same awful light God does.
Understand this: the atheists believe that unless God views sin
the way they do, He must not be real. That is no argument at all.
The Old Testament teaches that we must see sin as God does. It is
awful, despicable, destructive, and worthy of death.
real judgment and reward are not what happens in this life
Some atheists and skeptics can almost wrap their minds
around the God as judge argument and the destruction as judgment
argument until they consider Jericho, Ai, Hazor and all their
little children, children who did not know their right hand from
their left and were not old enough to commit sin. While our
Calvinist friends take an easy out by saying the children were
born in sin worthy of judgment, I believe the Bible teaches
children are not accountable. Deuteronomy
1:34-40 demonstrates this when God judged Israel for their
lack of faith, but kept alive the children who were not
accountable for the sin. Therefore, many folks ask what about the
babies and children who died in these judgments on sin. The answer
is that the real judgment and reward is not what happened in this
life, but what comes in the next. While God certainly disciplines
us within this life, physical death is not the judgment. It is
merely the summons to judgment.
presents a vision. Keep in mind, this is a vision, not what
actually happened. But it represented God’s work. The point is
not that in the judgment on Judah no innocent person died. The
point is that God knows those who are His. When the temporal
judgment occurs and people die, God protects the innocent in
eternity. Add to this Revelation
7:1-17. In vss.
2-3, God marks or places a seal on those who were innocent
and would escape the judgment. Then we read about those sealed (vss.
4-8). Then we see a great multitude clothed in white (vss.
9-12). The key is to notice who these are. They are the
innocents who died in the great tribulation, the judgment of God
on man for rejecting Him (vss.
13-17). Notice, they have died but they aren’t
complaining. They have been invited to the judgment and ushered
into an eternal reward.
As much as I hate to go down the rabbit hole chasing all
the anticipated objections, I know that the skeptics like to
respond to this by saying, “Then why don’t we round up all the
children and kill them so they can go straight to heaven and not
risk going to hell.” The answer is very simply this: God is the
judge and we are not. We don’t get to take it on to ourselves to
work out God’s plan for Him. It is God’s will that people live
to accountability and learn to live by faith. The point of this is
not that we should go around killing innocents so they can be with
God. The point is that when innocent people die it is not the
tragedy atheists want to make it out as being.
psalms are not God’s action
While dealing with this issue of God’s violence, atheists
and skeptics often lump in the imprecatory psalms even though they
really don’t have a bearing on God’s action. The psalms are
not God’s action; they are the prayers of men.
An imprecation is a curse. Imprecatory psalms are the
psalms in which curses are called down on the enemies of God’s
people. They have caused Christians no end of consternation as
they try to figure out how these psalms fit with God’s command
for us to love our enemies and pray for them. Consider statements
like Psalm
58:6-11; 109:6-15; 137:7-9.
Perhaps sometime we’ll be able take a closer look at
these psalms because there is just too much to be completely
covered as part of this lesson. But the main point I want you to
see in the context of these lessons is that these are prayers of
the saints, they are not God’s action. As much as skeptics want
to lump these prayers in with all the supposed evil they attribute
to God, it is simply building a straw man. We cannot take the
prayers of the persecuted and distraught Jews as they go to God
with their fears, angers, resentments, and attribute that as evil
action of God.
Let me point out one very important point. Some of these
are statements by David about his enemies. They seem vicious and
awful. But notice the psalm that describes his actual action
toward his enemies. Psalm
35 contains David asking God to judge his enemies, but vss.
12-13 describe his actions toward them. He mourned their
sickness. He fasted and grieved for their troubles. Consider also
the two famous stories of David with Saul. Even when his men told
him God had given Saul into his hand, he wouldn’t kill him (I
Samuel 24, 26).
What then do we see in these psalms? Not the violence of
God. We see men being honest with what is in their heart. They
have been attacked, mistreated, violated, persecuted and instead
of taking their feelings of anger, hatred, and vengeance out on
those who mistreated them, they are going to God and asking Him to
be their refuge and their avenger. They know that He will do what
is right.
miss God’s mercy in the Old Testament
One thing that interests me is how the mercy of God in the
Old Testament is often overlooked in these discussions. Folks
today, even Christians, look at God in the Old Testament and see
Him as vengeful, hateful, mean, and vicious and express their
thanks that by the New Testament He changed. Now He’s merciful,
slow to anger, abounding in love. However, that is not how the
people who served Him in the Old Testament thought of Him.
Just one example that stands out to me is Jonah
4:2. Jonah had run from God when called to preach the
coming destruction of Nineveh. However, he did not run because he
feared the Assyrians. He did not run because he was afraid they
would reject the message. He ran because he was afraid they might
repent and the loving, merciful, forgiving God he served might
relent from the disaster He had planned. Look at the message Jonah
was to preach according to Jonah
3:4. There was not even a statement that if they repented
they would be spared. They were just told they were going to be
destroyed. However, they did repent and they were spared.
purpose of the Old Testament is to teach us that without Christ,
we die
Perhaps this is the most important point we need to make.
Perhaps this is the point we least understand. What is the purpose
behind the Old Testament? What was the real purpose of all the
laws, the sacrifices, the stories? God didn’t tell us everything
that ever happened in Israel. He didn’t tell us everything that
ever happened in the world. Why tell us these things?
says Christ is the end, that is the goal, of the Law. Galatians
3:21-29 demonstrates that the purpose of the Law was to
lead us to Jesus Christ. The purpose of everything we read in the
Old Testament is to make us understand how much we need a Savior
and how much we need Jesus.
The understanding of the judgmental deaths in the Old
Testament becomes clear in the teaching of Jesus in Luke
13:1-5. Jesus looked at the awful tragedies of Pilate
sacrificing some Galileans and of the fall of the tower in Siloam.
His teaching was, “Unless you repent, you will all likewise
perish.” What is the point of the graphic and violent deaths of
sinners in the Old Testament? Without Jesus, we all perish. The
truly amazing thing is not that some people died because of their
sins in the Old Testament, the truly amazing thing is that God
allowed anyone to live despite their sins. This is really Paul’s
argument in Romans
3:23-26. God had divine forbearance for past sins in order
to bring Jesus into the world at the right time so the people
throughout all time that lived by faith in Him could be forgiven
and set free to pursue righteousness and glorify God.
Our God is a righteous, holy, and merciful judge. He is a
judge who in His forbearance, passed over our past sins and
brought Jesus into our lives that we might be forgiven and not
receive the eternal death we deserve. Every bit of the Old Law
points the way to Jesus, whether it is the laws, the sacrifices,
the stories, the judgments. Therefore, we do not see a fickle God.
We do not see a converted God. We do not see a changing God. We
see the unified, eternal God working through both covenants to
bring about His plan to save us through His Son. The message of
the Old Testament is not look at how mean God was then. The
message is look at what our outcome would be without Jesus. We
need Jesus. Are you in Jesus?
to God in the church by Christ Jesus
Church of Christ