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How Is The Lord's House?
(Haggai 1:2-4)

It’s time to build the Lord’s House, His church (1 Tim. 3:15). Christians must be evangelistic towards all men. This series focuses on a special mission field: Islam.

Facts About Islam:






You can read and comprehend the Bible and the Qur’an for yourself (Surah 12:1-3; Eph. 3:1-5). And we should. Thus, this series. Let’s learn all we can about the religion of Islam so that we can engage Muslims and lead them to Christ. But are we up to it? How is the Lord’s House? Are we building the house of the Lord or do we neglect our Christian duties?

I.                  Have Christians Become ______________________?

A.     There are times to speak up and act clearly upon the Bible. But many don’t.

B.     The spirit of our age: relativism. But things are very clear for many Muslims.

C.     Militant Muslims simply read the Qur’an the way you and I read the Bible.

D.     Part of Islam’s appeal is its uncompromising stand.

II.               Have Christians Become __________________________?

A.     Not all Christians believe and practice the same way. The same is true of Muslims. We shouldn’t falsely attribute any belief to Muslim neighbors.

B.     We need to identify who we are to Muslims.

1.      Christian not Catholicism

2.      Christian not Denominationalism

3.      Denominationalism perpetuates Muslim confusion and mistrust of the Bible.

C.     Let’s speak clearly what the Bible teaches about Christ’s Church.

1.      Jesus is the only head of it (Eph. 1:22-23)

2.      The inspired N.T. is the only doctrine of it (2 John 9)

3.      There is only one (Eph. 4:4). 

III.           Have Christians Become ____________________________?

A.     Are we not building the Lord’s House because of apathy?

B.     Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world

1.      ______ million Muslims in U.S.A.

2.      An average ________ new mosque open each week in U.S.A.

3.      Currently 165 Islamic Schools & 426 Islamic Associations , 90 Islamic Publications in U.S.A.

4.      More Muslims than ______________________ in U.S.A.

5.      Likely more Muslims by mid century in U.S.A. than Protestants or Jews.

C.     It’s time for Christians to be Zealous!

 IV.            Have Christians Become _______________________________?

A.     Christians & Muslims are taught to Evangelize. Muslim Evangelism is called “Da’wah”.

B.     Active areas of Muslim Da’Wah, according to William Wagner’s, How Islam Plans To Change the World.

1.      Target the _______________________ world with Islam.

2.      Target __________________________ with Islam.

3.      Target __________________________ with Islam.

C.     Christians need to examine themselves.

1.      Are we getting outworked?

2.      Have our own insecurities or prejudices kept us from being evangelistic?

Have Christians _____________________ Building the Lord’s House?

  1. Let Christians be __________________ and clear not quiet (2 Tim. 1:7; 4:2).
  2. Let Christians be __________________ not unidentified (Matt. 5:14-15).
  3. Let Christians be __________________ not indifferent (Titus 2:14).
  4. Let Christians be __________________ not tired (1 Cor. 15:58).

Glory to God in the church by Christ Jesus
Franklin Church of Christ