1. Our first assignment in studying the Holy Spirit is
to learn who He is.
a. Some
suggest He is a power or force used by God, but is not a person.
b. Others
see Him as some mystical, indefinable substance that permeates the
c. There
are those who hold that He is merely the mind or disposition of
2. In a time when so many misunderstand the Spirit, we
cannot afford to hold any views on the Spirit except those which
are found in the Bible.
The Lesson:
The Holy Spirit is called by many
names in the scriptures.
A. Here is
a listing of scriptures where some of the various terms used to
describe the Holy Spirit are found. All of the references are from
the New Testament. A similar list could be made from Old Testament
1. Mark
2. Luke
11:13 “Holy
3. Matthew
“Holy Ghost” (KJV)
4. John
“Helper” or “Comforter”
5. Hebrews
9:14 “Eternal Spirit”
6. Matthew
“Spirit of God”
7. Matthew
10:20 “Spirit of your Father”
8. Luke
“Spirit of the Lord”
9. Ephesians
“Holy Spirit of God”
10. 2
Corinthians 3:3
“Spirit of the living God”
11. Hebrews
10:29 “Spirit of
12. John
“Spirit of truth”
B. Look
carefully at the list. What special significance do you see in the
various terms used to describe the Holy Spirit? Each term does
C. "Spirit"
is a translation of the Greek word pneuma.
1. In the
KJV, the translators translate pneuma by both
"spirit" and "ghost." As examples, see John
7:39 and 1 Corinthians 2:13-14. Generally, when the
word "holy" (Greek: hagios) precedes pneuma,
the KJV translators render pneuma as "ghost."
When pneuma is used alone, it is generally translated
"spirit." This is unfortunate, for it has led to many
2. Furthermore,
the use of "ghost" has itself created problems. This is
an archaic and now obsolete use of the word. It conjures up the
idea of something mystical, which it is not. In 1611, when the KJV
was made, it meant the soul as the seat of life or intelligence.
3. Pneuma
is used of many things in the New Testament. It can refer to such
things as wind, breath, demons, angels, the human spirit, man's
character and disposition.
4. The use
of capital "S" in spirit passages is a choice made by
the translators to distinguish the Holy Spirit from other uses of
spirit. The translators are not always consistent in this as it
involves principles of interpretation and judgment. Look at the
passages below from the book of Romans. This will illustrate that
“spirit” can be used in different ways.
a. Romans
1:9 Paul’s spirit.
b. Romans
2:29 Attitude or disposition.
c. Romans
8:15 Disposition (both times).
d. Romans
8:16 The Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead.
A. The
term "Godhead" or "Godhood" refers to the
divine nature. It is a term describing Deity or Divinity.
1. When
one possesses Godhood, it means he possesses the qualities of
being God. Just like when one possesses manhood, it means he
possesses the qualities of being man.
2. "Godhead"
is found three times in our New Testaments, Acts 17:29;
1:20; Colossians 2:9. In some translations,
17:29 is found as "Divine Nature."
B. There
is a plurality of persons in the Godhead.
1. The
three persons of Deity are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
a. All
three were present in the beginning, Genesis 1:1-2, 26;
b. Baptism
is administered into the name of all three, Matthew 28:19.
2. All
three are "one" in the sense of agreement, purpose and
a. They
are one just as all believers should be one, John 17:20-21.
b. They
are one, yet not "one person," just as husband and wife
are one, yet not one person, Ephesians 5:31.
C. The
three persons of the Godhead are Deity and constitute the only
1. The
Bible speaks of one God, Isaiah 43:10; 45:5;
Corinthians 8:5-6.
2. Though
the word "Trinity" is not found in the Bible, it does
describe a Bible concept; it is the idea of "three in
one." There are three persons in the one Godhead. There are
not three gods.
The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person.
A. The
individuality of the Holy Spirit shows He is distinct from the
Father and Son both by His actions and locality.
1. The
Holy Spirit is called God, Acts 5:3-4.
2. Some of
the qualities of Deity are found in the following passages
regarding the Holy Spirit.
a. Genesis
1:2. He has
creative power and presence.
b. Hebrews
9:14. He is eternal in nature.
c. Psalm
139:7-11. As with the Father, He is omnipresent.
d. 1
Corinthians 2:10. He has knowledge; He searches.
3. Although
the Holy Spirit possesses the qualities of Deity, He is to be
distinguished from the Father and from the Son as a separate
and individual personality.
a. At the
baptism of Jesus, Matthew 3:16-17, the Spirit came in
the form of a dove, while the Father spoke from heaven.
Jesus came up from the water; the Holy Spirit was upon
Jesus; the Father was in heaven. Each was in a different location. This implies individuality
and distinction.
b. The Spirit is
sent by the Father, John 14:26; He testifies of the Son,
15:26; He does not speak of Himself, John 16:13. These
truths indicate He is separate from the Father and Son.
c. Take
note of the chart. Though each of the three persons is called God,
each maintain a separate identity from the other two. Again, we
hasten to point out that this is a case of three persons in the
Godhead; it is not a case of three gods.
B. Attributes which
can only belong to a person are ascribed to the Holy Spirit.
1. The
Holy Spirit has knowledge, 1 Corinthians 2:9-11.
2. He has
a will, 1 Corinthians 12:11.
3. He
possesses judgment, Acts 15:28.
4. Webster's
defines person as: "A
being characterized by conscious apprehension, rationality, and a
moral sense." This definition fits the Holy Spirit.
C. Actions
are attributed to the Holy Spirit which can only be fulfilled by a
person. Identify the actions of the Holy Spirit found in these
D. In
light of these truths, it is clear that the Holy Spirit is a
person with all that term implies. He is not some mystical
substance; He is not the mind of either God or Christ; He is a not
mere influence or impersonal force.
The Holy Spirit cooperates in the work of Deity.
A. He was
active in the physical creation.
1. The
Father planned it, Jeremiah 51:15-16.
2. The Son
was involved in executing it, John 1:1-3;
1:16; Hebrews 1:1-2.
3. The
Holy Spirit assisted in it, Genesis 1:1-2;
Job 26:13.
B. He was
active in the spiritual creation.
1. The
Father planned it, Ephesians 1:3-11; 3:9-11.
2. The Son
executed it, John 4:34;
Matthew 16:18; 1 Peter
3. The
Holy Spirit assisted by revealing it, John 16:13;
1:8; 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; Ephesians 3:1-5.
1. The Holy Spirit is a distinct person working with
the Father and Son in the administration of God's plan.
a. Understanding
that He is a person has bearing on such issues as the baptism of
the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and the indwelling of the
Spirit. Some hold to views on these things that would demand that
the Spirit be divided into parts and parceled out in bits among
thousands of persons.
b. If we
attempt to divide Him into parts and distribute Him personally to
thousands of believers, then we have destroyed the very concept of
personal identity. Could a human be divided up into parts and be
scattered over the earth and still be the human person?
2. Whatever explanations we give for the Spirit's work in
gifts, conversion and sanctification, we can accept no
explanations which call for a destruction of His being as a
person. Unless we see the difference between the person of the
Spirit and the gifts and powers he bestows, we will end up in
total confusion. The present religious world bears witness to
to God in the church by Christ Jesus
Church of Christ