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We Believe ... That There Is A God


Let me ask you some basic questions:

-          Does God exist?

-          Is Christianity credible?

-          Is it reasonable to believe the Bible?

-         Are the scriptures reliable in the information that they give to mankind?

Have these questions ever crossed your mind?  They probably have.  In fact, they should!  You don't have to be a skeptic or an agnostic to ask such questions.  At some point we all have to come to grips with these fundamental basics of faith.  We have to look for the evidence that convinces us one way or the other.  That's what our studies together this week are intended to do -- to make us think about the basis of our faith, to look for evidence, and to "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15).

Where do we start?  Simply with the most fundamental question of all: DOES GOD EXIST?



A.   There is little formal argument in the Bible for the existence of God.  That fact is just assumed throughout the scriptures.  (Gen. 1:1)

B.   But the existence of God can be proved to any fair-minded observer.

1.   This "Proof" is not of an empirical nature.

2.   But we can develop a strong ‘prima facie’ case, and that is what we will attempt to do in this lesson. 


A.   This law, simply stated, is "every effect demands an adequate cause".

B.   With this law in mind, consider the physical universe (a very obvious 'effect')- What could be the 'cause'?  There are only three choices:

1.   The universe is eternal.

2.   The universe is not eternal - it created itself.

3.   The universe is not eternal - it was created by some force outside itself, and superior to it.

C.   Which of these three is true?

1.   No - it is scientifically clear that the universe is not eternal:  "As a result of the most recent discoveries we say with a fair degree of confidence that our universe has not existed forever; that it began abruptly, without apparent cause, in a blinding event that defies scientific explanation." (Dr. Robert Jastrow, UNTIL THE SUN DIES, Warner Books, New York, 1977, pg 2)

2.   No - Nothing comes from nothing.  There is no known natural process whereby matter could, from nothing, fashion itself.  This is the very law of cause and effect.

3.   Yes - This is the only alternative.  The universe was created by something that:

a.   existed before it did.

b.   is superior to it.

c.   is of a different nature.

D.   That uncaused first cause is God!

E.   Note what the Bible says about this:

1.   Hebrews 3:4

2.   Romans 1:18-20 


A.   The universe is literally full of examples of an amazingly intelligent designer.

1.   The stars and planets

2.   The human body (Psalms 139:14)

B.   The Bible uses this "Proof" - Psalms 19:1-6 


A.   It is evident that all men possess a moral nature or conscience.

B.   Principles of right or wrong may be debated, but men everywhere have a sense of what is right.

1.   "It's my turn, don't cut in front of me!"

2.   Even an incorrigible criminal demands good treatment and a fair trial.

C.   How can this be explained without the concept of God? (Romans 2:14,15) 


A.   Wherever men have been found, in whatever time and place, they have been found to be worshipping something that they regarded as superior to themselves.

B.   From whence did this universal tendency arise? 


The overwhelming evidence points to the existence of God.  Will you honestly weigh the evidence and reach this simple conclusion which reason demands?


Glory to God in the church by Christ Jesus
Franklin Church of Christ