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"Come, See A Church"
Lessons On Recommending
From A Samaritan Woman


      Our greatest prospects for conversion are guests in our assemblies. Having said this, we may be tempted just to sit back and wait for non-Christians to just show up. That simply will not work. Most non-Christians do not realize their spiritual needs. Unless we say something that sparks a desire in them, they will never come. But even those who do recognize spiritual needs do not know where to look. There are churches on every corner. As far as they are concerned, one is as good as another. Therefore, we have to let them know about the Franklin Church of Christ. But how? For help, I want us to turn to one of the most effective personal evangelists found in scripture. Many people in this woman’s hometown became believers because of this one woman’s work. I am talking about the Samaritan woman in John 4. Because of an invitation she extended in John 4:29, many of the Samaritans in Sychar believed. If she could be effective at this, so can we.


I.         Do not be hindered by your past.

A.      When you consider who this woman is and how she had lived, it is amazing that she ever went to the men of the city to encourage them to come and see Jesus. She had been married five times—five men had put her away. Now she was just shacking up with a man (John 4:17-18). But she was not hindered by that, she had found the Messiah and it had changed her life, she wanted others to know about this Man.

B.     Some people never do any inviting or recommending because they know people have seen them sin. Why should anyone listen to them about spiritual things? But who better to recommend and invite than someone whose life has been changed by the gospel message taught here? Granted, if you are continuing in sin, we do not want you inviting folks. We want you to repent, changing your life based on the gospel, and then start inviting immediately.

II.       Do not be so caught up in earthly concerns that you do not see others’ spiritual needs.

A.      After just a few moments with Jesus, the Samaritan woman went back into the city and started telling people about this Man out by the well. Because of her work, many in the city were converted (John 4:39-41). The apostles, who had spent much more time with Jesus and had a much greater understanding of who He was, had just gone into the city and had absolutely no spiritual response from the Samaritans (John 4:8). Why? Because they went into town to buy food, not to talk to people about Jesus. They were so wrapped up in their daily concerns that they did not see the spiritual opportunities. Additionally, they probably just saw these people as Samaritans, half-breeds with mixed religion who either did not deserve or would not accept Jesus as the Messiah anyway.

B.     How easy it is to get caught up in the daily pursuit of our lives and forget that the people we are talking to have spiritual needs. That checkout clerk may well be lost. Our co-workers are still in their sins. Many of our family members still need the gospel message. If we spend all our time just going into the city to buy food, then we will never have the success the Samaritan woman had. We have got to see the needs and act on them.

III.      Make the invitation simple, not overwhelming.

A.      When the Samaritan woman came into town, she did not run to the men and tell them they had to do anything. She did not make it a life and death issue. She just made a simple invitation. “Come, see a Man…” she said (John 4:29).

B.     We can follow that same example. Our invitations and recommendations do not need to be surrounded by pomp and circumstance or shored up by saying things like, “I want to talk to you about one of the most important decisions of your life.” Let’s face it. Do you want to make the most important decision of your life today? Probably not; you will probably put that one off for a while. Instead, just make a simple invitation and recommendation. “Come, see a church …” According to Gallup polls 1 out of 4 people who do not attend a church claim they would visit if invited. We just need to give them the simple invitation to “come, see a church…”

IV.    Recommend a specific reason.

A.      When the Samaritan woman went to the men of the city, she did not just say, “Come, see a Man …” She provided a reason, making a specific recommendation. She let them know this Man had told her everything she ever did, could He be the Christ? She gave them something specific to check out (John 4:29).

B.     When we offer invitations and recommendations, we need to make them specific and special. Instead of, “Hey, would you like to come to church with me sometime?” We need to let people know about something special. “If you like good singing, you ought to come check out the Franklin Church of Christ.” “You have wonderful kids. I’ll tell you something that has helped my kids—the Bible classes at the Franklin Church of Christ.” “You know what has helped me in my marriage more than anything else? Spending time studying and learning the Bible. You ought to come to church with me sometime and see what you could learn that would help you out too.” Clearly some recommendations are situation specific. But can you think of some general things that you can recommend about the Franklin Church of Christ?

V.      Once they come to check it out, let the church speak for itself.

A.      The Samaritan woman was really taking a chance. She realized this Man was more than just a man, but would the others? Or would they just get mad if He told them what He told her, “You worship what you do not know.” (John 4:22)? She did not try to mold Jesus into her perfect idea of a pleasing Savior. She just told people to check Him out.

B.     We need to do the same. When we start inviting, we just need to let Christ’s church speak for itself. We should not try to make sure that the sermon is not going to be on a specific topic. We should not make sure that our favorite song leader or prayer is going to be leading during the worship. We need to just let people know that they ought to check this church out and then let it speak for itself.

VI.    Be prepared, not everyone will believe.

A.      The Samaritan woman had great success. However, we do need to note that the text says many believed. It does not say that all believed (John 4:39, 41).

B.     When we invite and recommend, not everyone will come. Not everyone who comes will pursue a study with us. Not everyone who studies with us will be converted. But some will. Perhaps many will. No one will unless we get out there and let people know about what is going on here.  

VII.   Recognize the urgency to get this message out.

A.      In John 4:28, the woman saw the need to let other people know about this Man as so urgent that she even left her waterpot at the well to go tell people about Him.

B.     I am certain it is more difficult for us to feel the urgency. After all, if someone does not attend today, there is always next Sunday, right? Not necessarily. We know we are not promised tomorrow and neither are the people we meet (II Peter 3:10). But, even if we do not think about that, we need to consider the work we are doing. This work is important. We are talking about souls. There are lost people around us. What are we doing about it? We need to remember that we are not trying to get numbers; we are trying to save souls. We are not trying to fill this building; we are trying to fill heaven. This work is important and we do not need to wait until next week to do something about it, we need to do something now.


      We have access to over 100,000 people, very few of which are saved. But every single one of them needs to be. We need to let them know about the Franklin Church of Christ. We have learned that it takes about 100 invitations to eventually lead to 1 conversion. That means we, all of us, need to be busy inviting and recommending. We could have over 100 invitations this week if each of us will commit to invite at least one person. Who will you invite? If the Samaritan woman could do it, so can we.


Glory to God in the church by Christ Jesus
Franklin Church of Christ